Copy any custom block snippet below and paste it on your page to build your website easily.
We offer great prices, premium and quality products for your business.
Enjoy a free 30-day trial and experience the full service. No credit card required!
See All PricesMonthly
Yearly (Save 30%)
<section id="snippet-1" class="wrapper bg-light wrapper-border">
<div class="container pt-15 pt-md-17 pb-13 pb-md-15">
<div class="row gy-6">
<div class="col-lg-4">
<h2 class="display-4 mt-lg-18 mb-3">Our Pricing</h2>
<p class="lead fs-lg">
We offer <span class="underline">great prices</span>, premium and
quality products for your business.
Enjoy a <a href="#" class="hover">free 30-day trial</a> and
experience the full service. No credit card required!
<nuxt-link to="/pricing" class="btn btn-primary rounded-pill mt-2"
>See All Prices</nuxt-link
<!--/column -->
<div class="col-lg-7 offset-lg-1 pricing-wrapper">
class="pricing-switcher-wrapper switcher justify-content-start justify-content-lg-end"
<p class="mb-0 pe-3">Monthly</p>
@click="() => (isYearly = !isYearly)"
:class="`pricing-switcher ${
isYearly ? '' : 'pricing-switcher-active'
} `"
:class="`pricing-switcher ${
!isYearly ? '' : 'pricing-switcher-active'
} `"
<div class="switcher-button bg-primary"></div>
<p class="mb-0 ps-3">
Yearly <span class="text-red">(Save 30%)</span>
<div class="row gy-6 position-relative mt-5">
class="shape bg-dot primary rellax w-16 h-18"
style="bottom: -0.5rem; right: -1.6rem"
class="shape rounded-circle bg-line red rellax w-18 h-18"
style="top: -1rem; left: -2rem"
<!--/column -->
v-for="(elm, i) in pricing.slice(1, 3)"
:class="`col-md-6 ${elm.populer ? 'popular' : ''} `"
<div class="pricing card">
<div class="card-body pb-12">
<div class="prices text-dark">
:class="`price ${
isYearly ? 'price-hidden' : 'price-show'
} justify-content-start`"
<span class="price-currency">$</span
><span class="price-value">{{ elm.monthlyPrice }}</span>
<span class="price-duration">mo</span>
:class="`price ${
!isYearly ? 'price-hidden' : 'price-show'
} justify-content-start`"
<span class="price-currency">$</span
><span class="price-value">{{
((elm.monthlyPrice * 12 * 70) / 100).toFixed(0)
<span class="price-duration">yr</span>
<!--/.prices -->
<h4 class="card-title mt-2">{{ elm.category }}</h4>
<ul class="icon-list bullet-bg bullet-soft-primary mt-7 mb-8">
<i class="uil uil-check"></i
><strong>{{ elm.projects }}</strong> Projects
<i class="uil uil-check"></i
><strong>{{ elm.apiAccess }}</strong> API Access
<i class="uil uil-check"></i
><strong>{{ }}</strong> Storage
:class="`uil ${
elm.weeklyReport ? 'uil-check' : 'uil-times'
} `"
><span> Weekly <strong>Reports</strong></span>
:class="`uil ${
? 'uil-check'
: 'uil-times bullet-soft-red'
} `"
><span> 7/24 <strong>Support</strong></span>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary rounded-pill"
>Choose Plan</a
<!--/.card-body -->
<!--/.pricing -->
<!--/column -->
<!--/.row -->
<!--/column -->
<!--/.row -->
<!-- /.container -->
<!-- /.container -->
<script setup>
import { pricing } from "~/data/pricing";
const isYearly = ref(false);
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>
<section id="snippet-2" class="wrapper bg-light wrapper-border">
<div class="container pt-15 pt-md-17 pb-13 pb-md-15">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-10 col-xl-9 col-xxl-8 mx-auto text-center">
<h2 class="fs-15 text-uppercase text-muted mb-3">Our Pricing</h2>
<h3 class="display-4 mb-15 mb-md-6 px-lg-10">
We offer great prices, premium products and quality service for your
<!--/column -->
<!--/.row -->
<div class="pricing-wrapper position-relative">
class="shape bg-dot primary rellax w-16 h-18"
style="top: 2rem; right: -2.4rem"
class="shape rounded-circle bg-line red rellax w-18 h-18 d-none d-lg-block"
style="bottom: 0.5rem; left: -2.5rem"
<div class="pricing-switcher-wrapper switcher">
<p class="mb-0 pe-3">Monthly</p>
<div class="pricing-switchers" @click="() => (isYearly = !isYearly)">
:class="`pricing-switcher ${
isYearly ? '' : 'pricing-switcher-active'
} `"
:class="`pricing-switcher ${
!isYearly ? '' : 'pricing-switcher-active'
} `"
<div class="switcher-button bg-primary"></div>
<p class="mb-0 ps-3">Yearly</p>
<div class="row gy-6 mt-3 mt-md-5">
v-for="(elm, i) in pricing.slice(0, 3)"
:class="`col-md-6 col-lg-4 ${i == 1 ? 'popular' : ''} ${
i == 2 ? 'offset-md-3 col-lg-4 offset-lg-0' : ''
} `"
<div class="pricing card text-center">
<div class="card-body">
class="icon-svg icon-svg-md text-primary mb-3"
<h4 class="card-title">{{ elm.category }} Plan</h4>
<div class="prices text-dark">
:class="`price ${
isYearly ? 'price-hidden' : 'price-show'
} justify-content-start`"
<span class="price-currency">$</span
><span class="price-value">{{ elm.monthlyPrice }}</span>
<span class="price-duration">mo</span>
:class="`price ${
!isYearly ? 'price-hidden' : 'price-show'
} justify-content-start`"
<span class="price-currency">$</span
><span class="price-value">{{
((elm.monthlyPrice * 12 * 70) / 100).toFixed(0)
<span class="price-duration">yr</span>
<!--/.prices -->
class="icon-list bullet-bg bullet-soft-primary mt-7 mb-8 text-start"
<i class="uil uil-check"></i
><strong>{{ elm.projects }}</strong> Projects
<i class="uil uil-check"></i
><strong>{{ elm.apiAccess }}</strong> API Access
<i class="uil uil-check"></i
><strong>{{ }}</strong> Storage
:class="`uil ${
elm.weeklyReport ? 'uil-check' : 'uil-times'
} `"
><span> Weekly <strong>Reports</strong></span>
:class="`uil ${
? 'uil-check'
: 'uil-times bullet-soft-red'
} `"
><span> 7/24 <strong>Support</strong></span>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary rounded-pill">Choose Plan</a>
<!--/.card-body -->
<!--/.pricing -->
<!--/column -->
<!--/column -->
<!--/.row -->
<!--/.pricing-wrapper -->
<!-- /.container -->
<!-- /.container -->
<script setup>
import { pricing } from "~/data/pricing";
const isYearly = ref(false);
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>
Yearly (Save 30%)
<section id="snippet-3" class="wrapper bg-light wrapper-border">
<div class="container pt-15 pt-md-17 pb-13 pb-md-15">
<h2 class="display-5 mb-7 text-center">Our Pricing</h2>
<div class="pricing-wrapper">
<div class="pricing-switcher-wrapper switcher">
<p class="mb-0 pe-3">Monthly</p>
<div class="pricing-switchers" @click="() => (isYearly = !isYearly)">
:class="`pricing-switcher ${
isYearly ? '' : 'pricing-switcher-active'
} `"
:class="`pricing-switcher ${
!isYearly ? '' : 'pricing-switcher-active'
} `"
<div class="switcher-button bg-primary"></div>
<p class="mb-0 ps-3">
Yearly <span class="text-red">(Save 30%)</span>
<div class="row gx-0 gy-6 mt-2">
<div v-for="(elm, i) in pricing" :key="i" class="col-md-6 col-lg-3">
:class="`pricing card ${
elm.category == 'Corporate' ? 'bg-soft-primary' : 'shadow-none'
<div class="card-body">
:class="`icon btn btn-circle btn-lg ${
elm.category == 'Corporate'
? 'btn-primary'
: 'btn-soft-primary'
} pe-none`"
<i :class="elm.iconClass"></i>
<h4 class="card-title">{{ elm.category }} Plan</h4>
<div class="prices text-dark">
:class="`price ${
isYearly ? 'price-hidden' : 'price-show'
} justify-content-start`"
<span class="price-currency">$</span
><span class="price-value">{{ elm.monthlyPrice }}</span>
<span class="price-duration">mo</span>
:class="`price ${
!isYearly ? 'price-hidden' : 'price-show'
} justify-content-start`"
<span class="price-currency">$</span
><span class="price-value">{{
((elm.monthlyPrice * 12 * 70) / 100).toFixed(0)
<span class="price-duration">yr</span>
<!--/.prices -->
<ul class="icon-list bullet-bg bullet-soft-primary mt-7 mb-8">
<i class="uil uil-check"></i
><strong>{{ elm.projects }}</strong> Projects
<i class="uil uil-check"></i
><strong>{{ elm.apiAccess }}</strong> API Access
<i class="uil uil-check"></i
><strong>{{ }}</strong> Storage
:class="`uil ${
elm.weeklyReport ? 'uil-check' : 'uil-times'
} `"
><span> Weekly <strong>Reports</strong></span>
:class="`uil ${
? 'uil-check'
: 'uil-times bullet-soft-red'
} `"
><span> 7/24 <strong>Support</strong></span>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-soft-primary rounded-pill"
>Choose Plan</a
<!--/.card-body -->
<!--/.pricing -->
<!--/column -->
<!--/column -->
<!--/column -->
<!--/.row -->
<!--/.pricing-wrapper -->
<!-- /.container -->
<!-- /.container -->
<script setup>
import { pricing } from "~/data/pricing";
const isYearly = ref(false);
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>
We offer great prices, premium and quality products for your business.
Enjoy a free 30-day trial and experience the full service. No credit card required!
Basic Plan $9 / Monthly | Premium Plan $19 / Monthly | Corporate Plan $29 / Monthly | Community Plan $49 / Monthly | |
Project | 1 | 5 | 20 | 90 |
API Access | 100K | 100K | 300K | 900K |
Storage | 100MB | 200MB | 500MB | 900MB |
Weekly Reports | - | |||
24/7 Support | - | - | ||
Choose Plan | Choose Plan | Choose Plan | Choose Plan |
<section id="snippet-4" class="wrapper bg-light wrapper-border">
<div class="container pt-15 pt-md-17 pb-11 pb-md-12">
<h2 class="display-4 mb-3">Our Pricing</h2>
<p class="lead fs-lg">
We offer <span class="underline">great prices</span>, premium and
quality products for your business.
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-4">
Enjoy a <a href="#" class="hover">free 30-day trial</a> and
experience the full service. No credit card required!
<!--/column -->
<!--/.row -->
<nuxt-link to="/pricing" class="btn btn-primary rounded-pill mt-2">See All Prices</nuxt-link>
<div class="table-responsive mt-10 mt-lg-0">
<table class="table table-borderless table-striped text-center">
<th class="w-25"></th>
<th v-for="(elm, i) in pricing" :key="i">
<div class="h4 mb-1">{{ elm.category }} Plan</div>
<div class="fs-15 fw-normal text-secondary">
${{ elm.monthlyPrice }} / Monthly
<td class="option text-start">Project</td>
<td v-for="(elm, i) in pricing" :key="i">{{ elm.projects }}</td>
<td class="option text-start">API Access</td>
<td v-for="(elm, i) in pricing" :key="i">{{ elm.apiAccess }}</td>
<td class="option text-start">Storage</td>
<td v-for="(elm, i) in pricing" :key="i">{{ }}</td>
<td class="option text-start">Weekly Reports</td>
<td v-for="(elm, i) in pricing" :key="i">
class="uil uil-check bg-pale-primary text-primary rounded-circle p-1"
<span v-else>-</span>
<td class="option text-start">24/7 Support</td>
<td v-for="(elm, i) in pricing" :key="i">
class="uil uil-check bg-pale-primary text-primary rounded-circle p-1"
<span v-else>-</span>
<th class="w-25"></th>
<a href="#" class="btn btn-soft-primary rounded-pill mt-1"
>Choose Plan</a
<a href="#" class="btn btn-soft-primary rounded-pill mt-1"
>Choose Plan</a
<a href="#" class="btn btn-soft-primary rounded-pill mt-1"
>Choose Plan</a
<a href="#" class="btn btn-soft-primary rounded-pill mt-1"
>Choose Plan</a
<!-- /.table-responsive -->
<!-- /.container -->
<!--/.container -->
<script setup>
import { pricing } from "~/data/pricing";
<style lang="scss" scoped></style>
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